A Day to Remember: Pathfinder Investiture at Maranatha Church
(También español) November 2, 2024, was a day to celebrate at the Maranatha church in Las Vegas as the church came together for the Pathfinder Club investiture. This wasn’t just another Sabbath; it was a day filled with smiles, hugs, and a sense of accomplishment.
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Las Vegas Prepares for Pentecost 2025
(También español) Las Vegas hosted its final prayer rally ahead of Pentecost 2025 on January 4, marking the culmination of a prayer movement that began on Sept. 7, 2024. This initiative, born from a vision to unite churches across the city, has become a powerful example of what is possible when churches decide to collaborate.
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Nevada-Utah Views - February 2025
Bread of Life and News Across the Conference From the Education Department
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Hawaiian Mission Academy Presents Christmas Music Concert
(También español) This year, I had the privilege of directing the Christmas program at Hawaiian Mission Academy (HMA). As the worship leader at Kaneohe church, I was so excited to begin teaching at HMA and sharing my passion for music with the students.
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Ho`ike February 2025
Returning to the Bikeathon and Camp Wai‘anae Staff Attend Camp Ministry Convention
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Family History
(También español) My paternal grandmother was partially responsible for my love of history. Carrie Isabel Woodson was a woman of dignity who took pride in her family and her heritage. She was the granddaughter of an enslaved man from Virginia, Henry Raddick, who changed the name of his family after being set free by Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.
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Pacific Union "All God's People," February 7, 2025 S9 E03
Grand opening for SCC's new media studio; CCC's 35th Constituency Session; February: Black History and American Heart Month.
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Divine Disruptions: Christon Arthur’s Unexpected Journey to La Sierra’s Presidency
(También español) It was a good job for a young Christon Arthur, working as an attendant in the library of St. George’s University School of Medicine in Grenada during the mid-1980s. But providential change was afoot in ways he could not have imagined—divine disruptions that would launch and guide a trajectory over the ensuing years, culminating in the presidency of La Sierra University last July.
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An Interview with Executive Secretary-Elect David Dean: His Journey and Vision
(También español) The Central California Conference welcomes Pastor David Dean as its new executive secretary-elect. In this interview, Pastor Dean shares his journey of faith and his vision for the future.
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CENTRAL ACTS - February 2025
Taking God’s Message to the Olympics and Bringing Christ to the Public Schools in Central California
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Diné Adventist Radio is Launched
(También español) In a world where the airwaves are filled with a myriad of voices, a new beacon of hope and inspiration to a largely unreached people group—in the heart of the United States—has emerged.
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Pastor Retires After Decades of Service in Correctional Ministries
(También español) With a booming voice and characteristic one-word spiritual interjections like “Preach!” “Truth!” or “Bible,” BJ Warren's presence is felt wherever he goes. A larger-than-life man, his energy is matched by his dedication to ministering to the incarcerated.
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Arizona News - February 2025
The Wore Out God-Pod and A Ministry of Music
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Praising God Together
(También español) My first memory of church was as an 8-year-old boy in Sabbath School. We sat on small wooden chairs and sang songs led by a really nice lady who seemed very old and wise. When it came time for the lesson study, we listened as our teacher told the story of Paul’s missionary travels. My continuing love for the Bible Book of Acts was born in that class.
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Fundamental Belief Number 11: Growing in Christ
(También español) Growing in Christ is about spiritual growth and transformation through Jesus Christ. This journey begins with a pivotal choice: to stop resisting. Ellen White beautifully captures this truth in Steps to Christ: “The sinner may resist this love, may refuse to be drawn to Christ; but if he does not resist he will be drawn to Jesus”
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