Today we are bringing you stories from Conejo Adventist Preschool (CAP) and A+ Adventist Children’s Center in California. Conejo preschoolers are learning about God’s love through Bible stories, while A+ students are enjoying their new school garden!
Conejo Adventist Preschool

Bible Class at Conejo
It’s never too early to learn about the Bible! Reading the Bible will help children know who God is. Spending time in the Word teaches children about God's character and nurtures trust and a relationship with Him.
Teresa Cabrera, CAP director, spends time every day sharing Bible stories with the students. These stories, such as the Good Samaritan and Jonah and the whale, which they are reading now, teach them of God’s love for them and the importance of having God in their lives. They also learn they can share God’s love with others by being kind, caring, empathizing, and helping others.

After each story, the students are led in prayer. They are learning to pray, and they are active participants in prayer time. They are learning that God is listening no matter how young they may be, that they can talk to Him about anything because He loves them so very dearly, and that He will always be there. Praise the Lord!
A+ Adventist Children’s Center

School Garden
The benefits of a school garden are well known, but not always recognized are the benefits for early childhood development. While working in the garden, preschoolers develop fine motor control and also work larger muscles—gardening uses practically every muscle in the body. Sensorial lessons are found throughout the garden: preschoolers can practice color recognition, identify fragrances, and discover how fresh food tastes.

After lots of prayer, planning, and fundraising—and with the help of volunteers Wayne Craig and Paul Wilcox—A+ now has its very own garden. The “Glen & Pelle Christensen Educational Garden” is a welcome addition to the campus, and the preschoolers are simply loving it!
This small school has so much to be grateful for! A+ started off as a small day care, and now they just celebrated 40 years. Small schools like this rely heavily on donations to keep going, but as director Malisa Smith states, “This is God’s school!” They always seem to have enough to ensure their future so they can build bright futures. Now with their new garden, they continue to see the Lord lead!