Tabernacles and Firefighters

February 9, 2023







San Diego Academy

Seventh Grade Tabernacle Study

Each year the seventh-grade class participates in an extensive 12-lesson Bible study and discussion about the tabernacle, God’s home on earth with His chosen people. Many classes over the last 15 years have agreed to participate in a reader’s theater presentation to other classes. This year’s seventh-grade class was thrilled to role play and, due to their outstanding performance, were asked to present a second time for parents, pastors, and two other elementary classes.





“My purpose for teaching the tabernacle is to open the students up to the Old Testament and its parallel to the New Testament and Jesus,” said David Roysdon, seventh-grade Bible teacher. According to him, students learned a lot during the three-week Bible study and performance.  
A bonus to this study and performance was that it resulted in a Pathfinder honor badge. What great joy when students spend time and learn through Scripture! 

Sacramento Adventist Academy

Preschoolers' Learning Ignited by Fire Safety

Gil Fayard is an alumnus of Sacramento Adventist Academy and a soon-to-be Pacific Union College graduate. A kind and compassionate hard worker, Fayard is determining his professional path. Currently, he works as an EMT and volunteer firefighter for the Angwin Fire Department. His sister Natalie recently invited him to talk to her preschool class of youngsters at Sacramento Adventist Academy.

“My purpose for teaching the tabernacle is to open the students up to the Old Testament and its parallel to the New Testament and Jesus,” said David Roysdon, seventh-grade Bible teacher. According to him, students learned a lot during the three-week Bible study and performance.

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