The name tag on her desk is true of her teaching style. Stephanie Hernandez is a “Goal Getter”, especially when it comes to transitioning back to in-person classes. Hernandez teaches 7th- through 12th-grade English at Calexico Mission School (CMS), and on their first day back, she experienced a few technology hiccups.
“I just sent a quick message to our IT [Sergio Jacobo], and he came in, fixed it, and then we were set to go for the day,” Hernandez said. Motioning to several computers and monitors, she said, “Just juggling all of this, but it’s not bad at all. I think it’s doable.”
Both Hernandez and her students are excited to be back together again.
“It’s amazing,” she said. “It felt like the first day of school all over again. I tell them it’s like looking at a celebrity online and then when you see them in person it’s a shock! It’s been so nice to have them back.”
Hernandez’s classes are hybrid, so she delivers instruction to an in-person and Zoom group simultaneously. She started teaching at CMS in February of 2020. Hernandez is a graduate of Orangewood Academy and La Sierra University.
“Our principal, Mr. Olivarria, was actually my religion teacher when I was in high school,” she shared. “I was taught by one of the greats.”
To learn more about Calexico Mission School, click here. To learn more about Adventist Education in the Southeastern California Conference, click here.