Active Church Reaches the Community


It has been a year of spiritual and relational growth for the Anderson church, and they are preparing for what comes next. As the fellowship strengthens, members have begun to anticipate opportunities to share faith and truth and to form intentional relationships with people to introduce them to Jesus. “Our church has changed so much,” one church member explained. “We are busy, busy, busy!  All good stuff!  It’s hard to capture the sense of optimism, growing closeness, and interest in growing spiritually that is evident now.”

One intentional opportunity involved a lively and excited group of Adventurer Club members. Along with parents, friends, and other supporters from the church, they participated in the annual parade and Christmas tree lighting in downtown Anderson.

The Adventurer Club children were featured on the main stage, where they beautifully and confidently sang several familiar Christmas carols. Perhaps the most exciting thing for the kids was riding in the parade on a beautiful light-covered float. The kids sang and waved as they rode the parade route along with many other floats and lighted cars.

The Anderson Adventurer Club was organized earlier this year by Jennevi Yabut, wife of Anderson church pastor Ron Yabut, and it quickly grew in membership to more than 20 children. Before the club's launch, there were around five children in this age group at the church.

After the parade, everyone gathered at The Annex, a supporting ministry of the Anderson church, just two blocks from the town’s lighted Christmas tree, where tents and tables were set up on the sidewalk. Parade attendees returning to their cars were offered free hot soup and crackers, fruit, cookies, and hot cocoa, with coloring books for the children.

Another intentional opportunity took place on the Sunday before Thanksgiving when the Anderson church held a Thanksgiving dinner to which community neighbors were invited. The expectation was that around 50 to 60 people would attend the event, which was planned and beautifully executed by the church social and special events committee. Carol Hodges, the special events coordinator said, “To our surprise, actual attendance topped 160 people!”

Hodges and her helpers planned, prepared and served a complete holiday dinner menu. Mae Reyes and members of the social committee beautifully decorated the room. Pastor Yabut started the festivities with a brief but profoundly reflective talk on giving thanks. Upbeat music, humor, and a gift raffle added to the overall celebratory feel of the event.

One member stated, “The highlight of the evening was engaging with current friends, meeting new people, welcoming the community members who attended, and sharing Christ’s love.
By Adeline Jackson