Pacific Union “All God’s People,” Oct 28, 2022 S6 E36


Some of our favorite stories come from our schools across the Pacific Union Conference—from Early Childhood Education through elementary, academy, and university.

In this episode of All God’s People, we spoke with Dr. Berit von Pohle, vice president of education of the Pacific Union Conference. She shared stories of exciting things happening in our schools, especially a heartwarming story from Tracy, California. 

Current stats for the 2022-2023:
Early Childhood: 922 students
Elementary: 7,334 students (with 822 of that total in TK/K)
Secondary (includes Jr. Academy): 2,629 students

# of schools:
Early Childhood/Preschools: 25
Elementary (K-8): 74
Secondary: (K-10/K-12/9-12): 35
Institutions of Higher Ed: 3

# of staff in Early Childhood and K-12 Schools:
Principals/teachers/directors/support staff: 1,346

# of 2022 graduates:
8th grade: 826 graduates
12th grade: 673 graduates

# of Teacher Education scholarship students: 26 (future teachers)

For more information on Adventist Education in the Pacific Union: